Whether confronting the aftermath of natural disasters, navigating political turbulence, anticipating an AI uprising, or preparing for the next global pandemic, The Leading Through Crisis Lab provides practical strategies to transform chaos into opportunity. Join your coach Jamie Wheal—author of Pulitzer Prize-nominated books and advisor to organizations such as Google, Goldman Sachs, and SEAL Team 6—to develop a profound understanding of the global landscape, enhance your ability to foresee major shifts, and elevate your decision-making prowess, empowering you to tackle any challenge with visionary leadership.
Week 1: Choose Your Own Apocalypse
While headlines and tweets often claim to predict what’s coming next, the reality is far too complex and chaotic for such certainty. Instead, we need to engage in a series of carefully designed thought experiments that allow you to define and defend your own model of change. This model can then be shared with your organization, updated as events unfold, and used to make better strategic and family decisions.
Key Takeaways:
- Determine your "time benchmark" for what to expect in this coming decade
- Identify which of three key rate limiters affect your own judgment and decision-making most
- Gain a clear understanding of how to manage complex contradicting change
Week 2: Ten Predictions for Ten Years
High-level analysis is valuable, but at some point, we just want a reliable source to tell us what to expect. This session won't predict the next geopolitical hot spot, forecast exact temperatures, or pinpoint currency fluctuations. Instead, it will carefully map the ten most prominent trends that have been developing for decades and forecast their trajectories.
Key Takeaways:
- Craft an updated dashboard to monitor current events
- Anticipate change that others are only reacting to
- Refine and revise your own estimates against these predictions to come to conclusions that are accurate for you
Week 3: Love the Ones You're With
No understanding of the world matters much if it doesn't let us look out for the people we love the most. In this concluding session we will get to the essentials. If conditions worsen, do I have what it takes to keep my family safe and sound? You'll leave this session with a clear scorecard of what you've got, what you need, and why it matters.
Key Takeaways:
- Develop a clear assessment of preparedness
- Explore a variety of checklists for goods/services/trainings you might want to become more resilient
- Gain clarity on geographies, communities and housing that feel good for you and your family
Course expectations:
We ask that you...
- Come willing to engage, learn, and grow
- Commit to full participation each week
- Actively participate in the daily actions provided by your track coach
- Plan to set aside 3 - 4 hours per week to participate in the track coursework
- Try new things and have fun!
Live Sessions Schedule*
First Coaching session with Jamie
Monday, 15 July at 6PM ET (60 min) (Convert to your time zone)
Live Q&A with Jamie
Thursday, 18 July at 9AM ET (30 min) (Convert to your time zone)
Second Coaching session with Jamie
Monday, 22 July at 11 AM ET (60 min) (Convert to your time zone)
Live Q&A with Jamie
Thursday 25 July at 7 PM ET (30 min) (Convert to your time zone)
Final Coaching session with Jamie
Monday 29 July at 7PM ET (60 min) (Convert to your time zone)
Bonus Session with Jane Frankland:
Managing and Preventing a Cyber Crisis
Wednesday 31 July at 9AM ET (60 min) (Convert to your time zone)
Live Q&A with Jamie
Thursday 1 August at 11 AM ET (30 min) (Convert to your time zone)
*At EO, we are committed to provide valuable content and engage with participants from various time zones. We understand that scheduling live sessions can be challenging, considering the diversity of our attendees. Our goal is to strike a balance that allows us to reach as many participants as possible while considering the logistical constraints involved, including speaker’s availability.